Muscadine Grape
Muscadenia rotundifolia
Muscadine grape is a deciduous climbing vine that forms substantial woody trunks. It will grow over a structure, can be formed into a shrublike mound, or trained to a trellis and pruned for fruit production. This common southeastern grape produces purple-black or bronze fruit that has high acid and sugar content to provide a complex flavor. It makes good jelly or wine and there are over 100 cultivars grown for the fruit. It has lush, green glossy leaves and performs best in full sun. In the forest it will climb to the top of a tree to reach the sunlight. The dense intertwining of branches can provide screening even in winter depending on how it is grown. It is easy to shape and has few insect and disease issues. Wildlife enjoys the fruit as much as humans.
- Space to Plant: 3 - 6 ft.
- Light: Partial Shade, Sunny
- Soil: Moist, Occasionally Dry, Occasionally Wet
- Plant type: Vines
- Seasonal Interest
- Evergreen
- Attracts Pollinators
- Attracts Wildlife
- Great for Containers
- Deer Resistant
- Toxic to Pets