The greater Chattanooga region of Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee includes portions of the Cumberland Plateau, Ridge and Valley, and Southern Blue Ridge ecoregions and is one of the country’s great centers of life.

Beautiful landscaping full of native plants

It is no wonder this region was once a haven for wildlife. Increasingly rare birds like quail, grouse, and pineland sparrows basked in the sunny meadows, as cerulean warblers, cuckoos, and wood thrush sang from the forests. The rich assortment of blossoms encouraged an equally rich assortment of bees, butterflies, moths, and other pollinators.

Revive and celebrate the abundant and wondrous life of these deep forests and sunny grasslands in your own Thriving Garden.

Thriving Gardens Logo lockup with Thrive Regional Partnership and Homegrown National park logos

The Thriving Gardens plant guide is a collaborative initiative between Thrive Regional Partnership and Homegrown National Park to support residents, businesses, and communities as they restore vibrant native landscapes across northeast Alabama, northwest Georgia, and southeast Tennessee.

Beautiful home garden with native plants

Thriving Gardens Co-Sponsors

Reflection Riding Logo
City of Chattanooga Logo
Riverview Foundation Logo
UGA State Botanical Garden of Georgia Logo
Austin Peay / Southeastern Grasslands Institute Logos
WMWA Landscape Architects Logo
Paint Rock Forest Research Center Logo

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