Staphylea trifolia
Dan Mullen

American Bladdernut

Staphylea trifolia

American bladdernut is a densely branched, vigorous small tree/large shrub that is often found on or above floodplains. Spring leaves emerge bright green in the spring and darken to deep green for summer and pale yellow to gold-red in fall. Beautiful clusters of drooping green-white flowers appear in April. The blooms transition to pale green balloon-like seed pods in the summer which fade to brown and persist late into winter for year-round interest. American bladdernut does best in afternoon shade or full shade with consistent moisture. It will form a ticket if happy and allowed to spread. With morning sun, it will form a decent screen even in winter with its dense branches. Tolerant of various soil types, deer resistant, black walnut tolerant, it is a very versatile shrub.


  • Seasonal Interest
  • Evergreen
  • Attracts Pollinators
  • Attracts Wildlife
  • Great for Containers
  • Deer Resistant
  • Toxic to Pets

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